Ireland’s Government Thinks Irish DNA is SUBHUMAN and Plans to Spend Billions Replacing The Irish!

#MuslimFoothold: 75% Children and 55% Adults in Antwerp, Belgium’s second largest city, are foreigners, mostly African!

The Rape of Lisdoonvarna, Europe and Humanity. NO! Cried Locals. “Racism?” hissed the rapist, thrusting foreign seed deep into rural Ireland!

Has UK Home Office been Captured by far left Hope Not Hate and their Fascist Hatred of Free Speech?

French Meddling in UK Elections! Macron’s En Marche Party Helps Launch New Anti-BRexit Political Party in UK!

Hungary’s Orban has the international Left in panic mode

EU suing countries that refuse migrants

World Supremacist George Soros Funding and Colluding with Treasonous Amnesty International to Break Irish Law in Abortion Referendum

Feeling Stupid Yet Germany? 43% of Underage Migrants in Germany were NOT Underage! Are Migrants Coached on European Weaknesses?

Had our Grandparents selfishly deserted their country to go claim Asylum, we would all be speaking German!

Andrew Anglin Interviewed on Israeli Television