Feminazis Celebrating Islamic Slave Outfits Like Hijabs & Burka Are Putting Girls Lives At Risk

Muslims Think Europeans are Very Naive, Sadly They Are Right. It Would Be Funny If Not So Tragic

Globalism is Cancer Feeding Off Our countries, Enabling Islam & Socialism to Enforce Totalitarianism

Western Establishment Copies Sharia Police – Violently Oppressing Free Speech With Police Brutality!

Islamic Cleric From Prestigious University Claims Muslims Can Marry Their Illegitimate Daughters

The West Are Also Islam’s Useful Idiots: Iranian Who Fled Iran Says UK Becoming As Bad As Iran! 

The West Has Not Learnt From 9/11 – It Must Stop Buying Oil From Islamic Countries To Survive! 

Muslims Will Turn The Dáil Into Public Toilets and Behead It’s Occupants, Like They Did In Iran!

Will A Post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of EU Be A Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy? 

French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France – Underestimates Islamic Supremacism

#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!

Why Did World’s Biggest Superpower NOT sign UN Migration Pact? UN Using Migrants as Cannon Fodder

Globalism Enables Islamic Toxic Masculinity and Misogyny Which Allows Rape And Ownership Of Women

Is Iran Europe’s Future? Islamo-Socialism Started The Deadly Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979!

Conservatives Are Globalist Left Wingers! BRexit voted to LEAVE EU, not asking permission to leave!