French Meddling in UK Elections! Macron’s En Marche Party Helps Launch New Anti-BRexit Political Party in UK!

IRexit means IRexit! Farage, in Dublin to uncuck the sleeping Irish, claims there is public appetite for IRexit

Should Brexiteers be forced to pay Licence Fees to Traitorous BBC who Support EU Conquest of Britain

Should #TraitorMay Stand Down Before the Almost Certainly Disastrous Local Elections in May? Rees-Mogg Stage Right…

#IREXIT – After Centuries of Occupation, Ireland Should be Free to Prosper and Live out it’s True Potential.

Slanderers and Usurers steal French Election. Will FN name change be enough, or is Patriotism just an English thing?

Video: Far Left BBC embarrasses UK PM Theresa May at Press Conference with US President Trump

The 1% plotting to halt BRexit & resurrect Blair and recapture Britain for the Supremacists

Time to Disband the USA Union? Collectivism has failed AGAIN! Time for #CALexit and #TEXit?

ITExit: Why Italians MUST vote NO to EU Supremacy and NO to Establishment in their referendum. Don’t be fooled!

Trump and BRexit leaves World Supremacists Obama, Merkel, Hollande and EU panicking on the wrong side of History

US Independence Day and BRexit is about standing up to Occupation Governments and their blackmail, supremacy and indoctrination.

Dictator Hollande Says NO to French #FRexit Referendum. Democracy being tested by BRexit win, and failing.